Hi Folks, 
While we are talking about Dennis, I just wanted to give him a shout out for 
helping the Lincoln METCO Coordinating Committee’s Downsize for Diversity 
fundraiser over the course of 4 years before we pivoted to Art & Sculpture 
Anytime we used to get technology equipment, sometimes industrial, as a 
donation, Dennis always made time to almost immediately evaluate it and price 
it for us, saving us a lot of time & energy.
Thank you Dennis!
Joanna Schmergel 

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Thursday, March 31, 2022, 6:27 PM, V Saleme <bmwkbi...@gmail.com> wrote:

Very well stated Richard. A slippery slope has been woven.
On Thu, Mar 31, 2022 at 5:52 PM Richard Panetta <richardpane...@gmail.com> 

When I saw this email I was miffed as to why you would have been put on 
moderation as your posted are always well thought out,  thorough (sometimes too 
thorough), always given links to your sources. I and many others have found you 
comments informative. There was maybe one instance when you and another former 
Selectman went back and forth similar to this yet neither of you were put on 
There were many responses stating they enjoyed the back and forth. Neither one 
of you were rude or disrespectful of each other so who knows. 
It would be a shame to lose your posts on subjects and the time and care you 
put into topics you comment on. I hope you take some time and decide to 
comeback and offer your thoughts to important topics. 

I too have noticed that an opposing view gets treated differently so I can not 
blame you for feeling frustrated. Perhaps some management here have gone “nose 
deaf” to their friends and opinions they agree with. But as you said it is 
their sandbox and they may do as they wish. Hopefully you won’t mind jumping 
back in said sandbox and getting a little dirty again 
Best wishes

On Mon, Mar 28, 2022 at 1:20 PM Dennis Liu <bigheadden...@gmail.com> wrote:

Howdy, folks – this email is going out to Lincolntalk, but also to some local 
friends (and the Lincolntalk moderators: Margit, Jena and Jonathan) directly, 
since I have been put into the moderation queue so I am unsure if anyone will 
see this.


With the back-and-forth with Paul Shorb regarding the proposed new laws 
affecting construction in Lincoln and climate change, I seem to have violated 
one or more tenets of the Lincoln Talk rules and policies 


I made my last post on the topic last night, only to discover that I had been 
put into moderation without warning.  (N.b., since I replied to Paul directly, 
and he replied to the List this morning, you may have seen indirectly my last 
post, since the moderators apparently only put me on moderation and not him; if 
any of you is curious about how I left it, you can read Paul’s message, or feel 
free to reach out to me and I will forward it privately; Paul’s message in the 
archive is here:  


For the avoidance of doubt:  since, of course, Lincoln Talk is a private (and 
free/not-for-profit) operation kindly maintained and paid for by the 
moderators, they are entirely free to decide what and who gets circulated.  
That’s their call, and I respect that.  I suspect that my postings have 
triggered a reaction among one or more folks (or directly among one or more of 
the moderators), and I have been found in breach of those rules and policies.  


Fair enough!  I know that I am in the minority (or very small) minority on a 
lot of these topics in Lincoln – that’s fine, I’ve been in the minority pretty 
much my entire life living in New England, so I’m used to it, lol.  I do hope, 
however, that my writings have not been construed as personal attacks, and 
instead considered an attempt to shed light and bring a non-conforming, 
contrarian view to this town.


But since this is not the first time, I shall be refraining from making any 
more posts to Lincoln Talk.  I don’t wish to waste my time writing stuff up, 
and I certainly do not wish to cause offense among my neighbors.  I’m writing 
this note just so you all will know why you wouldn’t have heard from me in the 










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