Great questions, Lisa.  Maybe a survey is needed. I’m thinking of asking the 
Selects to do a poll— maybe at SoTT.

Lynne Smith
5 Tabor Hill Road
Lincoln, MA 01773
cell:  781-258-1175

> On Oct 27, 2022, at 2:26 PM, Lisa via Lincoln <> wrote:
> Lots of assumptions being made here...wonder if anyone has been collecting 
> data, someone at the COA, or maybe even those that help manage town meetings 
> where we have a good turnout of those technically approaching senior status 
> perhaps?  Does anyone on LincolnTalk know how many use some of the shuttles 
> provided by The Commons, etc.?
> 1) how many drive themselves to town meeting (daytime) and to other (daytime) 
> events 
> 2) how many would prefer to take a bus if a shuttle existed instead of 
> driving themselves or carpooling, certain stops along certain routes
> 3) how many do not attend because transportation issues prohibit them from 
> attending DAYTIME events
> 4) how many no longer drive at night (or avoid it) and might use a shuttle or 
> door to door service?
> 5) how many would ONLY consider a door to door service, regardless of whether 
> at night or during the day?
> If this data exists specific to Lincoln (and it really MIGHT?), it would be 
> great to have access to it here.
> Lisa
> Trapelo Road
> ------ Original Message ------
> From "Joanna Owen Schmergel via Lincoln" < 
> <>>
> To "Sara Mattes" < <>>
> Cc "Lincoln Talk" < <>>
> Date 10/27/2022 8:07:28 AM
> Subject Re: [LincolnTalk] community center
>> Those with that level of restricted mobility would get their own household 
>> stop. 
>> I imagine that that is a smaller percentage and that the majority of our 
>> seniors ambulatory enough to walk to a bus stop. 
>> Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone <>
>> On Thursday, October 27, 2022, 8:03 AM, Sara Mattes < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> That might be quite hard for some seniors and those with mobility issues.
>> Imagine an 80 year old, using a walker, walking to and waiting at a 
>> collection point/ bus stop, in rain, sleet or snow.
>> Such a system might keep many housebound.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Oct 27, 2022, at 1:54 PM, Joanna Owen Schmergel < 
>>> <>> wrote:
>>>  Not go to each individual household- shuttle stops similar to school bus 
>>> stops  
>>> Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone <>
>>> On Thursday, October 27, 2022, 2:36 AM, Sara Mattes < 
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> Can we first understand the needs of seniors.
>>> What activities exist, what can/should be added?
>>> I would urge all to spend at least 1/2 day at Bemis to better understand 
>>> what is currently going on.
>>> Activities and appointments are happening there the entire day that the 
>>> front door is open.
>>> Look at the COA newsletter.
>>> It appears in EVERY Lincoln mailbox, monthly.
>>> Many of these ideas are very interesting and deserve further exploration.
>>> I am not sure that we can have a private tai service/shuttle bus to go to 
>>> each individual household that needs transport.
>>> But, maybe that’s feasible.
>>> But, before we explore further, , let us understand what are our needs and 
>>> where do places exist that might serve them.
>>> Sara Mattes
>>> 71 Conant 
>>> (Per Lynne Smith’s request that we attach name and address to each post)
>>> ------
>>> Sara Mattes
>>>> On Oct 26, 2022, at 7:49 PM, Joanna Owen Schmergel via Lincoln 
>>>> < <>> wrote:
>>>> $200k sounds roughly accurate.
>>>> I personally like the idea of a town shuttle that would perhaps make the 
>>>> “rounds” 3-4 times a day on a schedule to Donelean’s, Bemis, Town Hall, 
>>>> the School/pods, the library, etc…
>>>> Then activities for seniors would start being planned around the shuttle 
>>>> schedule..
>>>> Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone <>
>>>> On Wednesday, October 26, 2022, 7:30 PM, Lynne Smith < 
>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>> Can someone estimate the cost of a full time driver (9-5) and an all- 
>>>> electric car or shuttle bus? eg., Salary plus benefits: $100k; ev shuttle: 
>>>> $100k. So $200K total? Or we could use Uber vouchers as some senior living 
>>>> facilities do. 
>>>> Just another way of solving parking and driving problems.
>>>> Lynne Smith
>>>> 5 Tabor Hill Road
>>>> Lincoln, MA 01773
>>>> 781-258-1175
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>> On 26 Oct 2022, at 7:02 p.m., Joanna Owen Schmergel via Lincoln 
>>>>> < <>> wrote:
>>>>>  Well said!
>>>>> And for significantly less money we can invest in a contract for a 
>>>>> shuttle bus to provide transportation to all of these locations:) 
>>>>> Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone 
>>>>> <>
>>>>> On Wednesday, October 26, 2022, 6:53 PM, Karla Gravis 
>>>>> < <>> wrote:
>>>>> Thanks everyone for the thoughtful discussion.
>>>>> Andy, I think Seth's post is only talking about the cost of renovating 
>>>>> one pod, the pod allocated to LEAP in the new CC designs. There is simply 
>>>>> no need to renovate all three pods. Right now they are in fact 
>>>>> underutilized. My understanding is that they are used for the following 
>>>>> activities:
>>>>> LEAP.
>>>>> Summer Camp.
>>>>> Parks and Rec activities taking place after school (the vast majority).
>>>>> A few Parks and Rec activities happening during school hours.
>>>>> As and office for all three (3) PRD employees.
>>>>> #1,2 and 3 could be hosted in the school as they do not overlap with 
>>>>> school hours. It would be duplicative to renovate the Pods when we have a 
>>>>> perfectly fine school right next to it. #5 requires very little space and 
>>>>> could be done either at the school or Town Offices, which only leaves #4 
>>>>> uncovered. An entire pod is probably much more space than we actually 
>>>>> need for #4, so the $1.6MM figure is probably an overstatement.
>>>>> I still have not heard any CC proponent respond to Joanna and Yonca's 
>>>>> eloquent pleas. What will it accomplish that cannot be done with the 
>>>>> existing resources?
>>>>> As the initial post explained, towns our size simply do not build 
>>>>> Community Centers. There are many ways to foster intergenerational 
>>>>> commingling, which to be clear is a worthwhile goal, but building very 
>>>>> expensive empty rooms is not one of them. Intergenerational commingling 
>>>>> happens when there is a common purpose that brings everyone together, not 
>>>>> as a result of a new building. We already have facilities where those 
>>>>> activities can be done if people are willing to organize them. If people 
>>>>> want to host a book club, they can use the library with the help of our 
>>>>> amazing librarians, if they want to play sports, they can use Reed Gym, 
>>>>> if they want to put on a play or have a town debate they can use the 
>>>>> Donaldson Auditorium.
>>>>> Our town already has the most onerous property taxes in the region. 
>>>>> Elevated property taxes are causing financial hardship, which is why the 
>>>>> town approved the senior circuit breaker. Let us try to keep that in mind 
>>>>> when we are talking about a project that would increase property taxes 
>>>>> thousands of dollars a year.
>>>>> From: Andy Wang < <>>
>>>>> Date: Wed, Oct 26, 2022 at 2:18 PM
>>>>> Subject: Re: [LincolnTalk] community center
>>>>> To: Seth Rosen < <>>
>>>>> Cc: Lincoln Talk < 
>>>>> <>>
>>>>> Seth,
>>>>> Just to be fair in the comparison, according to the presentation in the 
>>>>> Spring (reference here 
>>>>> <>),
>>>>>  the cost of renovation of the 3 pods from the CCPPDC report was 
>>>>> originally estimated at $3-3.9 Million.  Updated in 2021 to $3.8 - $5.3M 
>>>>> and projected to 2025 Projected Construction Mid-Point at $4.5-6.1 M.  
>>>>> Which is more like 20-26% on the low end.
>>>>> Also, several people have made this sound like it's just for CoA.  As 
>>>>> proposed, this is supposed to be a 'Community Center' not just a 'Senior 
>>>>> Center'.  So while you might consider the discussion of PRD with this as 
>>>>> a conflation, others may not.  It may be an opportunity to use what I 
>>>>> think are two under-utilized resources (the pods and Bemis) into one with 
>>>>> more use.  At the same time, co-mingling diverse generational residents 
>>>>> has shown to have a positive effect on all involved.  There may be other 
>>>>> intangible benefits for a Community Center, you can't look at everything 
>>>>> from a financial side only (though, you can't ignore it either). 
>>>>> In terms of renovation, I think Bemis and Pierce House, while lovely, are 
>>>>> not ideal sites for either the CoA or a Community Center due to access, 
>>>>> parking, physical layout of the spaces.  Pierce House is historic and I 
>>>>> doubt a large renovation would fly there.  Bemis lacks parking and it 
>>>>> doesn't appear like there is much room for expansion.  The pods really do 
>>>>> need a renovation, if you've been in them, that should be pretty obvious.
>>>>> I did go to a bunch of the Community Center discussions years ago and put 
>>>>> my little blue dot on choices, but those were all about features and 
>>>>> things you would love to have in a building.  There is a financial 
>>>>> reality that wasn't really discussed at the time (to my recollection, and 
>>>>> at least not concretely).  So, in general, I am in support of a combined 
>>>>> community center to house CoA and PNR on the school campus, but at the 
>>>>> current scale, I'm undecided.
>>>>> I'll air my issue with where we are in the movie though.  The vote at the 
>>>>> end of Nov to allocate $325k for professional services is really looking 
>>>>> to provide detailed breakdown of two very similar proposals.  The 'Infill 
>>>>> of Pods' and the "Secondary Central Green' are estimated at $23-$24M and 
>>>>> $24.3 - $25.4M (2025 Midpoint Construction #'s) respectively.  I'm sure 
>>>>> lots of folks may prefer one or the other for a variety of design 
>>>>> reasons, but from a financial standpoint, they are about the same cost.  
>>>>> Both are lovely buildings, but my concern is that neither may pass the 
>>>>> larger town vote.  I would have rather seen two separate proposals for a 
>>>>> community center, one at the $12M range and one at the $24M range.  
>>>>> Actual cost just as an example.  
>>>>> It's clear the next steps that happen if the vote passes.  What happens 
>>>>> if the vote fails to pass?  Does that remove the possibility of having a 
>>>>> community center or does that just put things back to the committee to 
>>>>> come back again?  From my perspective, I'd much prefer a community center 
>>>>> on a smaller scale, but also, I'd rather have one at the current proposal 
>>>>> and be forced to pay, than not have one.  I'm just not sure which way to 
>>>>> vote in that case.
>>>>> Andy
>>>>> On Wed, Oct 26, 2022 at 11:47 AM Seth Rosen < 
>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>> Since some posters have mentioned it, we thought it would be helpful to 
>>>>> zero into how the Pods factor into the Community Center project and what 
>>>>> we think is the most rational path for the activities there.
>>>>> Neither of the existing currently proposed designs contemplates a new 
>>>>> home for LEAP, although I do agree with Diana that there are definitely 
>>>>> capital needs there. 
>>>>> There are three pods. In both designs POD B would be LIGHTLY renovated 
>>>>> and stay as a standalone facility to host LEAP. In one of the designs the 
>>>>> two other pods would be torn down and in the other design they would be 
>>>>> incorporated into the Community Center.
>>>>> The cost of renovating the LEAP pod was estimated at $1.125MM in 2018, 
>>>>> using the same cost inflator used for the overall project, the updated 
>>>>> cost would be approximately $1.6MM, which corresponds to 6% of the total 
>>>>> Community Center project cost. 
>>>>> We argue that the town has other public space to host the activities 
>>>>> hosted in the Pods today, if at some point in the future they are not 
>>>>> deemed further usable. LEAP as well as all of the after-hours Parks and 
>>>>> Rec school-age-activities, which represent the vast majority of the 
>>>>> program's indoor offerings, could easily be hosted in what is otherwise a 
>>>>> brand-new empty school. There is already a precedent of a Parks & 
>>>>> Recreation activity, namely IMLEM, using the school, specifically the 8th 
>>>>> grade hub, to conduct its activities. We are sure other adult activities 
>>>>> could also find accomodation. Adult basketball for example is already 
>>>>> hosted at Reed Gym.
>>>>> As it relates to Parks and Rec Department (PRD), there is no urgency in 
>>>>> finding the Department a new home. Once that happens, as anyone who has 
>>>>> stepped foot into that office can attest, they only need a small fraction 
>>>>> of their current space to house three employees. We are certain either 
>>>>> the school or the 15,000 sqft Town offices could find space for them.
>>>>> Let us not conflate a discussion about the future of PRD and LEAP, which 
>>>>> can be easily fixed at no incremental or a small cost, with a $25MM 
>>>>> project with no other apparent incremental goal other than hosting COA.
>>>>>> On Oct 26, 2022, at 9:15 AM, DJCP < 
>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>> My kids go to LEAP, the after school program, and we frequently use the 
>>>>>> Pods for community events and rec dept programs and generally hanging 
>>>>>> around after school and the Pods are in tough shape.  Much like the 
>>>>>> school building was before the renovation.  I am sensitive to costs, but 
>>>>>> significant overhaul of the Pods is needed in the imminent future.  
>>>>>> Costs are only going to go up if we put the project off.  And I like the 
>>>>>> idea of rolling the senior center into the school campus as it would be 
>>>>>> nice to have the communities intersect more.  (The Girl Scouts in 
>>>>>> particular already do service projects for the COA&HS and it would be 
>>>>>> great to expand that.)  Again, I am sensitive to cost, not just for me 
>>>>>> but the community, but I hope everyone can keep an open mind. 
>>>>>> Diana 
>>>>>> Giles Rd 
>>>>>> On Wed, Oct 26, 2022 at 8:27 AM Louis Zipes < 
>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>> Maybe I missed it and I could be very wrong it but I think part of this 
>>>>>> project also takes into account the Hartwell Pods/Bemis Hall and the 
>>>>>> cost to sustain those/replace them going forward. That might or might 
>>>>>> not factor into the overall cost and design we are seeing. 
>>>>>> There have been community center meetings so I think I personally need 
>>>>>> to go back and watch them to be better educated. 
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> On Wednesday, October 26, 2022, Joanna Owen Schmergel via Lincoln 
>>>>>> < <>> wrote:
>>>>>> What about the cost for ages 65 to 79?
>>>>>> I do think low cost access to indoor year-round swimming is important 
>>>>>> for our older population.
>>>>>> Many might find $199 a year to be a lot. 
>>>>>> If there is some kind of access to certain facilities at Hanscom for 
>>>>>> seniors that would be very good information to have. Hanscom has 
>>>>>> fantastic health & fitness facilities.
>>>>>> Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone 
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> On Wednesday, October 26, 2022, 7:55 AM, Maureen At Beede 
>>>>>> < <>> 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Lots of Lincoln seniors use beede center in concord.  Full access for 
>>>>>> $199/year if over 80.  
>>>>>> On Wed, Oct 26, 2022 at 7:52 AM Joanna Owen Schmergel via Lincoln 
>>>>>> < <>> wrote:
>>>>>> Just out of curiosity, I wonder if our Lincoln seniors could ever be 
>>>>>> granted certain access to any of the phenomenal health and fitness 
>>>>>> facilities at Hanscom?
>>>>>> Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone 
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> On Wednesday, October 26, 2022, 7:41 AM, Elaine Hawkes 
>>>>>> < <>> wrote:
>>>>>> Thank you Seth and others for bringing up the community center. It’s 
>>>>>> something I have been discussing with other youngish seniors (LSRHS 
>>>>>> class of 1971)and have a number of concerns.  Although I don’t yet use 
>>>>>> the senior senior, and do think one with an elevator is important, I’m 
>>>>>> not sure how many older adults in town use it regularly. In my cohort, 
>>>>>> there is a greater worry about high property taxes and whether we can 
>>>>>> afford to continue to pay them if a community center is built.
>>>>>> “If you build it they will come” 
>>>>>> ( 
>>>>>> <>) Is this true, 
>>>>>> particularly with ongoing concerns about covid and availability of 
>>>>>> classes and meetings on Zoom?
>>>>>> There are few offerings for adults through the Rec Department. Is that 
>>>>>> from lack of space or lack of interest? Most people I know go out of 
>>>>>> town for programs.
>>>>>> I’m not happy with the design which appears to have a lot of wasted 
>>>>>> space in its “open concept”. With heating prices going up, how much will 
>>>>>> it cost to heat this big building?
>>>>>> I also think the world has changed since 2017 when this community center 
>>>>>> was first discussed.  I would rather the town spend its money on mixed 
>>>>>> income housing, for example, which it needs. And, Lincoln’s older 
>>>>>> homebound adults could stay in their homes if they had more services 
>>>>>> paid for by the town. This would be a good use of money for seniors.
>>>>>> Lastly, if an expensive community center must be built, can we at the 
>>>>>> same time look at allowing more Lincoln homes to build accessory 
>>>>>> apartments and backyard cottages? This would help seniors pay their 
>>>>>> higher taxes, and stay in their large homes while benefiting non-high 
>>>>>> income folks looking for Lincoln housing.
>>>>>> Elaine
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