Speed bumps, sounds like a good idea- If there’s a credit assessed to the
drivers who live in this town such that they can repair their suspensions
once every let’s say two years or so.

For those of us who have a commute within town to pick up children or grab
groceries or other things that define life, repeatedly traversing 12 to 14
speed bumps in total per day enacts a toll on cars that let’s say, are
performance related, or different than the usual low testosterone SUVs,
with marshmallow suspensions.

Speed bumps? Sure, bring on suspension credits.


On Mon, Sep 11, 2023 at 8:54 PM Buell, Lawrence <lbu...@fas.harvard.edu>

> Speed bumps make good sense to me.
> Larry Buell
> 60 Tower Riad
> Get Outlook for iOS <https://aka.ms/o0ukef>
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Lincoln <lincoln-boun...@lincolntalk.org> on behalf of Jack <
> jfu...@comcast.net>
> *Sent:* Monday, September 11, 2023 6:27:52 PM
> *To:* Bob Wolf <robertgw...@gmail.com>
> *Cc:* Lincoln Talk <lincoln@lincolntalk.org>
> *Subject:* Re: [LincolnTalk] Did you know Tower Road is planned to be
> re-paved in 2024? Concerned about what this will do to vehicle speeds? If
> so, read below...
> And regarding speed on our roadways, appropriate speed bumps can be build
> that don’t require coming to a near stop (or a full stop for low riding
> cars - of which I speak from experience).  More frequent rises in any road
> can help keep speed below a determined level with these more appropriately
> designed ‘bumps’. Road depressions work equally well but likely not in
> regions where freezing is an issue, for water may collect in them.
> jfu...@comcast.net
> 617 835 3087 (C)
>       __o
>    _'\ <,
> ..(•) /  (•)
> On Sep 11, 2023, at 6:03 PM, Bob Wolf <robertgw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Steve
> I think we have the same sentiments about the town’s roads and the
> behaviors we’d like to see on them.
> My one quibble with your post is the fondness for potholes.
> Yes, they might slow some drivers, but folks in some SUVs may not feel
> them much at all.  Bikes, on the other hand, tend to be more sensitive to
> roadway imperfections and have to navigate around them.  But the bikes,
> then, are not predictable to many motorists, who swear at the cyclist for
> being erratic.  Or worse.
> This is a repaired section of MA 126 between Conant and Old Concord Roads
> (but could be in a lot of places, even on Tower).  Most cars go right over
> that patching without a thought.  Where does the cyclist go?  Right?
> Left?  Today I went to the left and was honked and sworn at for choosing
> that path.
> <IMG_2318.jpeg>
> My personal view is that we should design our roadway rebuilds for safety
> including the vehicular speeds we want.  Not rely on the potholes.
> Take care,
> Bob
> On Sep 11, 2023, at 2:04 PM, S Brown <sdbr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Regarding the comments directly below - I am wondering if there is anybody
> here who has spent substantial time watching the world go by on Tower Rd by
> car, bike, stroller, foot, hoof and leash who believes that traffic speed
> on cars (and bikes) would NOT increase substantially if it were repaved as
> is, especially in its rougher segments between 117 and Lincoln Rd. I would
> anticipate that increasing the curvature and narrowness of Tower Rd would
> likely make it even more precarious for all users, day and night. While a
> narrower and more curved road may slow down average speeds by the average
> driver, the main concern is with those who may see it as an (even more)
> attractive opportunity to test their driving prowess. And even the average
> road biker may see it as an enticing enhancement. Heck, I know I would.
> Still, I am happy to seek such roads elsewhere, and I personally remain
> grateful for every pothole, divot, nook and cranny on Tower Rd that
> currently (and exclusively) act as important controls on speed.
> Steve Brown
> 24 Tower Rd
> On Sep 10, 2023, at 7:33 PM, Allen Vander Meulen <pastorall...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> I remember Noah Eckhouse commenting on the repaving of Bakers Bridge Road,
> which was done a year or so before he stepped down from his position on the
> Select Board.  He said that repaving a road in poor condition does not make
> a substantial difference in traffic speed.  What does slow drivers down are
> more curves and less width.
> He went on to say that when Baker’s Bridge Road was repaved, the town made
> sure it conformed to the original route and width (since paving crews tend
> to straighten curves and widen roads over time).  The result was a more
> curved and narrower road, resulting in - as predicted - slower traffic
> speeds.
> I imagine the same will (or should) be done with Tower Road.
> - Allen Vander Meulen
> Beaver Pond Rd
> On Sep 10, 2023, at 15:40, Sara Mattes <samat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> All,
> All interested in this issue should be sure and bone up on the world of
> options/opportunities and challenges.
> Use your energy and talent to understand major issues and constraints, and
> come up with practical, constructive ideas.
> Simply throwing out things like “speed bumps/humps,”  “roadside paths” and
> stirring as solutions, dig in and learn where they might (and might not
> work).
> Respect that Public Safety and DPW know something and are your allies.
> Ask their opinion(s) in ways that allow them to answer honestly- they
>  have a lot of useful information and experience to share.
> While some of their answers and ideas may disappoint you, that does not
> mean their ideas are invalid.
> Perhaps, with all the experience and talent at the table, you all can find
> some ways to improve experiences along Tower for all … including cars.
> Namaste,
> Sara
> ------
> Sara Mattes
> On Sep 4, 2023, at 8:27 PM, John Mendelson <johntmendel...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Hello LT,
> If you live on or near Tower Road, I am sure you've seen the gas line work
> that is underway.  We'll, next year, Tower Road is going to be resurfaced
> and I, for one, am worried what this will do to already high rates of
> vehicular speed along our narrow, winding road.
> If you'd be interested in coming together to discuss what traffic calming
> ideas we, as Tower Road residents might want to get in front of the RTC,
> BPAC, the Select Board, and town administration while there is still time
> to impact the outcome, please send me your email address and I will convene
> a meeting to kick things off in the coming weeks.
> Thanks so much,
> John Mendelson
> 30 Tower Road
> --
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