hi list, i'm working with a director file who imports and controls a flashfile. I use getframelabel to get labels from the file so to index it for navigation purposes. The handler is this: on indexFlashMovie
repeat with a = 1 to flashMovie.frameCount tempLabel = flashSprite.getFramelabel(a) if tempLabel <> "" then flashIndex.append([#frame a, #label tempLabel]) member("index").text = member("index").text&flashIndex[flashIndex.count].label&RETURN end if end repeat end Now this works fine for a flash file while with another simply doesent find the labels in the getFrameLabel command. Anibody stepped into this before? I tried to go through the flash file but everithing looks fine. It puzzles me.+ thax in advance. Ivan Preziosi -------------------------- multimedia developer -------------------------- Kaibu Interactive Via Borgognona 12 Roma tel. ++39.06.69925824 -------------------------- [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.kaibu.com -------------------------- personal hotline 349.4715573 -------------------------- "Oh non datemi piu' quel Vecchio Liquore Janx No, non datemi piu' il Vecchio Janx Altrimenti la testa mi vola via, la lingua dice solo una bugia, gli occhi mi si mettono a bollire, e va a finire che mi tocca morire. Su dunque, riempitemi un altro bicchiere, che il turpe Janx voglio bere." [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to http://www.penworks.com/lingo-l.cgi To post messages to the list, email [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]). Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo. Thanks!]