It sounds like you were on the right track with the sample bitrate
(22.05khz). What you are describing is exactly what happens to me in studio
sometimes with the sample rate conversion misaligned. Have you tried
including a third script option for Macromix if QT and direct sound don't
work? You should also check whether YOUR default sound device in your
Director prefs is Macromix or Direct sound, as Director sets the device on
your system to a default and authors using that default.


----- Original Message -----
From: "debihall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2002 7:01 PM
Subject: <lingo-l> wav files work outside of Director but not inside a

> I have been working with a project that plays normally on every computer I
> can test it on. So I can not duplicate the problem a customer of ours is
> having.
> They are in Europe ( I am in the US, so I can't just run over there and
> look.)  and have purchased a number of new computers (business purpose).
> have a sound issue on these computers.  (I have repeatedly asked for
> specs, but they have not provided this information.)
> I have wav files that are under 30 seconds in length.  The sound files
> play outside of Director normally but inside the projector they play at
> double the speed.  (They call it Mickey Mouse.) .  I have tried many
> compressions:  4bit, 16 bit, 22.050 kHz.  Even uncompressed files at 44kHz
> will not play correctly inside the projector.  I have even tried
> the files from wav to swa from Director and imported those back in.  They
> also play with the speed doubled.
> The sound files embedded in the Quicktime movies play back normally in the
> projector.  It is just the puppeted sound files that are causing concern.
> I have the following for a sound script:
>  on preparemovie
>    set the sounddevice = "QT3Mix"
>    if the sounddevice <> "QT3Mix" then set the sounddevice = "DirectSound"
> end
> I also have the following xtras included in the projector:
> DirectSound.x32
> Sound Control.x32
> MacroMix.x32
> QT3Asset.x32
> Quicktime 5.0.2 is installed on the computers.
> Is there something that Director looks for on the client machine besides
> Quicktime to play these files? Perhaps outside of Director the default is
> MacroMix or something?
> Can anyone shed some light on this?
> Thanks,
> Debi
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