At 21:55 +0800 04/23/2002, noelle cheng wrote:

>>Even if you carry out the float precision as far as Director can 
>>display, of course, your test condition will never be met. You'll 
>>see nothing >but zeroes but, technically, your number will never 
>>reach zero. The above is an example of pilot error. ;)
>But fSomeNum = 1.  And  anything greater than 1.0 can be divided by 
>2.0. Why do you say that there will be nothing but zeros?

When you see the output of the code in the message window eventually 
all you will see is zeroes. This might lead you to conculde your 
value actually is zero, but it's not, of course, because you can 
divide any number by two forever and never run out of number to 

>I know that it is written that on page 142 that Director is not able 
>to handle certain types of math properly so  how do I go about this?

I was referring, actually, to Lingo's habit to work in integer math 
by default. You've got to specify early and often if you want to use 
floats. Otherwise old habits might assert themselves and, instead of 
caclulating a circle's radius using 3.14, you might end up using 3.

>>  No, you understood correctly -- however note that in that section 
>>I didn't issue the 'forget' call from the MIAW contained in 
>>the >pwMyFloater variable.
>What will happen if you did?

Depending on the operating system and the complexity of operations 
taking place in the MIAW, you might end up with a crash.

>>OH -- one more thing. If you set the cursor to a hand with 
>>something like mouseWithin,
>>and then exit the frame where that is being done, the hand might 
>>not reset. You'd want to make sure to add this behavior to 
>>everything >that changes the cursor:
>   on endSprite me
>     cursor -1
>   end
>This will reset the cursor when the frame is exited permanently.
>Is it only on mouseWithin? How about mouseUp. MouseEnter and mouseLeave?

You can set the cursor under pretty much any mouse condition; but 
it's important to reset it to the default when the sprite's finished 
its life on the Stage (unless you want to keep the cursor in a 
modified state).

>>Well, if there's no change but Director doesn't complain about bad 
>>syntax either, then something else is going on. Is it possible that 
>>the >"rollover" member is the same as the "normal" member? If they 
>>look alike, you wouldn't see a change, after all.
>No, there is a state change.

Then I guess I'm confused here. I was under the impression that you 
had a behavior that was supposed to change a sprite when the mouse 
points to it, and that this behavior appeared to be malfunctioning or 
not changing the sprite. From the above it seems as though you're 
saying it is changing it.

>Here I have another question: Based on what I have read it is not 
>advisable to use  ' copy and paste' behaviors?

It depends. If you know for a fact that the parameters associated 
with a given behavior are ones you want to apply on another sprite, 
copying and pasting will be fine. In general, though, I would advise 
attaching them one at a time either by dragging from the Cast and 
dropping on a target sprite or span; or using either the Behavior 
Inspector popup or the Behavior tab of the PI. When you use those 
methodes you have access to the properties and can set them up as you 
need them to be.

I'll have to dig the online quiz out of the files on my iBook. I 
don't have its source here.


              Warren Ockrassa |
  Director help | Free files | Sample chapters | Freelance | Consulting
        Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
                    Published by Osborne/McGraw-Hill

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