
At 11:07 AM 4/25/2002 -0500, you wrote:

>>>>>Well, somewhere in the rollover code then there's a line that's 
>>>>>supposed to change the sprite's Cast member onscreen. The first 
>>>>>thing >>>to do is check the code in the Property Inspector under the 
>>>>>Behavior tab and see if there are properties that can be set, such as 
>>>>>the >>>"normal" and "rollover" sprite members. If so, you'd change the 
>>>>>settings there.
>>I believe you are referring to figure 2-3 on  page 48.
>Well, that would be one example of the PI's appearance, yes. ;)

There's more? I thought there was only one PI?

>>The strangest thing is that when I compared it to a button which worked 
>>properly,  the settings here are identical.
>>I've checked everything, including the other two behaviors and everything 
>>is the same.
>>Do I still change my settings list?
>Possibly. Without actually seeing the rollover code in question, I'm 
>assuming it has settings that let you pick the specific button that's 
>supposed to be switched. That is, the behavior should let you pick the 
>Cast member that's supposed to come onscreen when the rollover takes place.

>If the settings in your behavior, though, are identical to the original 
>movie from which you got the behavior, you might be in trouble -- for 
>unless your movie has the same Cast member as the one being switched in 
>the original movie, things will not work as you expect them to.
>So if the original movie references a Cast member named (as an example) 
>"rolloverButton" for the rollover, but your current movie does not have 
>any such Cast member included, it won't work.
>You'll need to actually change the behavior settings to make sure it is 
>pointing to the correct Cast member in your current Director movie Cast.

I've changed it, yet the problem remains.

>>Otherwise the behavior has been hard-coded in some way (probably). Those 
>>can be harder to modify because you don't necessarily know exactly where 
>>and how things are being modified on the Stage by the code.
>>If it was such , what can I do?
>Try using the rollover member change library palette behavior.

I tried this, too... Oh dear? Is this problem too difficult to solve?

>>  >That's another reason I recommend against copy and paste in general; 
>> you just can't be sure that what you're getting will owrk in your >files 
>> at all.
>>  I am beginning to understand why I must not do this. Thank you, I will 
>> heed your advice.
>I wouldn't say you mustn't do it; rather, be aware that in doing so you 
>might have to do so much adjusting with the code you've copied that it 
>would take the same amount of time to just write it yourself.

Yes, I understand what you mean.

>You really don't need to worry about that at all unless you are planning 
>to release your file in the Shockwave format. In that case you'd probably 
>be reasonably happy with JPEG compression. You'll have to try several 
>different exports and check the image quality until you get something 
>that's an acceptable (to you) compromise of visual quality versus file size.
>JPEG compression, when it's on relatively high, can cause pretty 
>substantial degradation of graphic quality. If you've got a client that is 
>used to high-resolution printed media, such a person might have less 
>tolerance for this than someone who's more used to working with GIFs and so on.

The higher the JPEG compression, the smaller the file size?

>>On page 58, I am not sure how to create the movie.
>>You indicate that I need to create a #text sprite. From  page 24, I 
>>understand this to be A  in the toolbox on the left.
>>To create this  #text sprite, I drag this to the stage. Do I need to make 
>>amendments to this sprite?
>>  I note that here the PI contains only four items:
>>i member, A text, 3D Extruder and Cast.
>>I click on A text to  change its'  framing pop-up to scrolling. I 
>>then  dragged  the behaviour
>>Get Net Text onto this empty text member. I entered the url as stated and 
>>connected to the internet.
>>When I played the movie, I did not see any text on stage.
>Did you have a 'go the frame' script in the script channel? If not, you'll 
>want to add one, to keep the play head on that frame while the net text is 
>If so, it's possible there was just a delay in the net that kept the text 
>from being accessed. That happens sometimes too. ;)

That was not the case.

  May I check  with you: 04-gnt.dir that I downloaded - is this a working file?

When I opened the file, the font 'charcoal' was missing. When I ran the 
movie, no words appeared either

On page 91,  I do not understand this statement:

'You'll want to do it in  your startMovie handler...'

Why do you want to do things in a StartMovie handler?  When you were 
helping me  with making sprites invisible and visible, it was definitely 
not created there. Is there anything significant about a StartMovie handler?

By the way, I like what is written on page 71 paragraph 3. It is a pity I 
do not have a barbecue grill.

The explanation of variables doesn't bore me, it is in fact very lucid and 
easily comprehended.

Thank you.



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