At 10:41 AM 4/18/2002 -0500, you wrote:

>>So why does Director crash then? Because the PC platform is unstable? 
>>I've had the computer freezing when I need to do a save - many times.
>Well, while my knee-jerk reaction is to blame the platform, in reality 
>there are quite a few reasons Director might crash, most of them having to 
>do with "pilot error".

Do you mean that the user is at fault?

>(And to be fair Windows, since 1995, has gotten better. In a few more 
>years it might even be as stable as DOS used to be. ;)

You're talking about which one? Windows ME , XP or 2000? ME is very 
unstable. It freezes very often.

>For instance if some other program has the XML file open at the same time 
>as you do, there might well be a conflict. Or if for some reason 
>Director's trying to write something to the XML file that it doesn't like, 
>unexpected behavior might result.
>>>You can handle XML parsing as you would any other type of data, to the 
>>>best of my knowledge -- for example you could use a behavior to do it 
>>>that resides across a sprite's span, or you could try a parent script, 
>>>or even a traditional movie script. You should be able to handle the 
>>>data either in a current movie, or via a MIAW, or by branching off with 
>>>a go to movie or play movie call.
>>So we can import it into the main .dir with no problems? With no need for 
>As far as I know, but again, I haven't had occasion to play with XML yet, 
>so I'd have to defer there to someone with experience in the area.

>>Use XML to store randomized lists to create a quiz, what else?
>I've seen filesystems defined using XML. As far as I can tell pretty much 
>any kind of data you want stored -- in any fashion you choose -- can be 
>put into XML format.

Thank you for your through explanation.

>>Could you elaborate on this, please? What are spriteless behaviors?
>Well, the frameScript can also be accessed with sendSprite ( 0 ), and when 
>you are doing Score recording, since you don't have the UI there to 
>prevent its happening, you can define a sprite, attach behaviors, and then 
>remove the sprite. Only the behaviors will be left behind. That's really 
>an error, but it can happen.

So  in reality, there are no spriteless behaviors?

>>How is it possible to attach behaviors to only part of a sprite's span?
>Now you're making me think just how possible this is to do. I don't recall 
>if you have to actually split the sprite, or if you can just select a 
>range of frames to which to attach a behavior. This is another one you can 
>do in Score recording too, I believe -- make a sprite span 2 frams, for 
>instance, but only put a behavior on it in frame 2.

Sorry, it was what you wrote in an earlier email which puzzled me and it 
set me thinking, trying to understand what you meant.

>>For scripts ( behaviors or otherwise) which remain in the cast (and are 
>>cast member scripts) but  not found in the score or on stage are they 
>>executed and compiled at run time?
>They are compiled -- well, tokenized, interpreted, bytecoded, what have 
>you, when the projector is made -- but unless they have some kind of 
>handler that executes with a file load (such as startMovie) they're 
>ignored until specifically executed.
>>In other words do *all * scripts in the movie get compiled and executed?
>No, and that's one of the lovely things about programming in general and 
>Director in particular -- you can have entire swaths of code sitting in 
>your file that is hardly ever used but, when it's required, is ready to go.

Yes, that's what I wanted to know and I'm glad  that it's there  as 
it's  very useful.

>>How about identical scripts? Will they be executed twice?
>If they have the same handler names within the same script member, 
>Director should complain.

Does it?

>However I believe if you have (for instance) two separate movie scripts in 
>the same Cast, and each has a startMovie, Director won't indicate there is 
>a problem. I believe the *first* script will be the one to execute. The 
>second one with the other startMovie will probably be ignored.

Yes, I know that - now.

>Apart from that, no, you won't get two identical handlers with different 
>names executing twice.
>Regarding your cursor question -- if you're using an Xtra someplace, it 
>might be taking over and changing the cursor on its own whenever its 
>member or data is present. I'm not sure what you'd do about that; 
>hopefully the Xtra would have documentation covering this and would have 
>suggestions on how to handle it.

Thank you. But all Director projectors have Xtras - I don't think you can 
have any  without.So I search through all my Xtras?

>>   Even when I copied and pasted the quiz using XML  into my main movie, 
>> which is to be made into a projector,  it still refused to run. And all 
>> the globals had been removed.
>Well, this is an interesting statement. Did you copy/paste the XML data 
>into a script window?

Interesting? I've done something wrong? No, I mean, I copy and paste the 
XML  data into  the internal cast.  I copy and paste sprites into the score.

>  What I mean is XML data is just data. It's not code, it's not program, 
> it's not really anything except data. You have to pass it through some 
> kind of filter to interpret its contents and handle them appropriately, 
> respond to the contents, etc.

The XML data actually consists of  parser, tokenizer and the node.  This is 
generic. I have to pass it through some kind of filter?

>So what I believe you would be doing is using the XML parser to read data 
>into a variable in your Director code from an XML file resident on disk 
>someplace, rather than internal to your projector or movie. (Though I 
>could be wrong...)

I don't understand what you  mean. But there is an XML data file in my movie.

>>Is there any possibility of an external QT midi file playing in the stub 
>>projector which is already an external file?
>Hmm, there might be some confusion here regarding the term "stub 
>projector". A stub projector is a projector that does only one thing -- it 
>loads a Director movie. Usually it has a single frame script:
>   on enterFrame me
>     go to movie "whateverMovie"
>   end
>...whereupon it immediately loads that movie. The advantage of using a 
>stub is you don't necessarily have to re-compile your programm just to 
>release an update; you cna simply send out a noew movie file that replaces 
>the old one alongside the projector.
>However, generally, when one is creating a projector one is starting with 
>a more or less stand-alone Director movie. Once that has been made into a 
>projector, it is not necessary to distribute the projector with the 
>Director movie alongside it -- the movie is in the projector as part of 
>the package.
>In this situation, whenever you make changes to the Director movie, you 
>have to make a new projector as well.
>It seems from the sample you sent that you are using a stub projector to 
>load an external Director movie.

And that is not correct?

>>Why do stub projectors use the .dir command?
>Actually they don't need to. You could do:
>   on mouseUp
>     go to movie "quiz"
>   end
>The projector becomes part of the playback medium in this case, 
>interpreting the data you've put into the Director movie in such a way 
>that the user's computer can understand and display it.

Why are some movies known as .dir and others  just simply movies?  Surely 
there are diffferences between them?

>>Are they not .exe files themselves?
>Projectors are, yes, but Director movies are external resource files. They 
>can be read by projectors (provided the projector has the requisite Xtras).
>Actually maybe that's where you're getting into trouble. Your original 
>projector might not have the XML parser Xtra included, which would make it 
>impossible for your quiz movie to do anything with XML data. In this case 
>you'd have to remake the projector in Director, starting first with the 
>Modify --> Movie --> Xtras... menu and making sure the XML parser was 
>included. Then you'd re-build the projector as before and see if it 
>behaves as you expect.

It still doesn't work  properly within the movie. There are too many 
internal errors.

Maybe I'm wrong. I shouldn't be creating projectors?

>>Frame scripts are spriteless behaviors? I don't understand.
>Yes, they're behaviors -- for instance you might see
>   on exitFrame me
>     go to the frame
>   end
>...and 'me' is *always* a behavior telltale. Since the script exists in 
>what is technically channel 0, it can also be referred to as sprite 0 if 
>you are doing sendSprite calls to any code you might have put there. I use 
>frame script behaviors like this to control interactions with MIAWs.
>And you can have behaviors in the score that don't have sprites attached, 
>though that's generally an accident. ;)

You mean they are mistakes or errors?

Why is it that sometimes when I attach more than one behavior to a sprite, 
some behaviors don't work properly?

For example, for buttons, there is usually a change cursor behavior, a 
rollover and a go to script.
After I  have compiled my script, the rollover may not work. But when I 
check the code, it's there.
Even after deleting the sprite and re-attaching the code, there's still 
How do I correct this?

Thanks for taking the trouble to explain so many things.


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