----- Original Message -----
From: "Rob Romanek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> a) is no problem, just click on the internal cast to make it the active
> window, then use the Property Inspector to change the name.

D'oh! Why did I think that couldn't be done? I'm certain I must have tried
it before sometime...

> Something else that might be useful is if you could reorder the casts

Yes, that actually would be quite useful because of the fact that Lingo
searches through each cast in order, starting with the first (actually, it
starts with the current cast, and restarts at the first if it misses). This
could be used to optimise your movies a bit.

On thinking mose more, why can't Director just save all the window
positions, including casts? That would make more sense. Then there would be
no need to grumble about the bad choice of primary cast.

- Robert

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