For anyone else working with LDM's I'll just add that the nice thing about having the LDM code in an external library is that during development you can link your parent movie to the same library and edit the LDM code, hit recompile, you don't even have to save, and see the effects of your changes immediately. I know this is not a nice as being able to open and edit both movies at once but until we get that feature its a pretty good subsititute, especially for debugging.

As far a ditching the internal library, I find it extremely useful especially with LDMs. I keep the internal library exclusively for creating temporary cast members on the fly. During development it makes it easy to track what is being created when and I can select all and delete the members and be sure to start clean at any time

my 2 cents,

Robert Tweed wrote

in linked casts. It also occured to me that to make LDM's work usefully, I
should put *everything* in external casts, so the same code and assets can
be shared between child and parent movies.

Doing this has certainly cleaned up my movies, but it's left me with a big
ugly "internal" cast that pops up whenever Director starts. It's unused,
badly named, and is just waiting for things to be accidentally dropped into
it. Is there any way to get rid of it? It's certainly well hidden, if it
exists. If not, I'll email this one off to the wishlist.

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