At 8:12 PM +0200 10/23/02, you wrote:
On Tue, 22 Oct 2002 09:52:18 -0700, Buzz Kettles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 don't hold your breath on it getting removed

 I wouldn't bother with wishlist - there's no way your request would
 get addressed.
Buzz, this strikes me as rather gloomy, especially coming from an ex-Macromedia guy.

I was (perhaps naively) under the impression that the wishlist is not ignored, but that multiple requests from unique users are what really counts.
Please don't misread me - I never suggested that wishlist is being ignored.
It definitely is not.

It's just that I read wishlist for several years & I've just trying to indicate that there are lots of things that would be better to address first.

As for multiple requests, I'm not sure this one has ever been asked for before.

Maybe it's the specific nature of this request that you think would be taken to be 'unreasonable'.
Specific is OK. And I'm also not suggesting that the request was 'unreasonable' - just that it provides very low value for the overall user base.

I'm afraid that I (me, not MACR) don't really see much value in removing the internal cast. And if nobody benefits, why do it?

Any cats you can let out of the bag to help us manage our expectations?
Nothing you don't already know.
Director is not the biggest dog at MACR anymore.
Any work done on Director needs to add significant value to the product.

Feature modifications (like new features under consideration) get weighted on their merits to the user base (among other things).

So is this something that would get a new customer to buy a copy or get an existing user who was hesitating to pony up for the upgrade fee?

It's also very possible that such a modification might have a negative impact for Tech Support:
"If the File > Import menu item isn't available, be sure that you have at least one cast ..."

If macromedia really are ignoring requests and the wishlist, we ought to organize to let the management know our dissatisfaction. We've already seen some kind of response to complaints about poor developer support.
Again, they are NOT ignoring wishlist.

I was just suggesting that this proposal is beyond a long shot.
It's really not going to happen.
I'm just trying to set realistic expectations.

I mean, wouldn't you rather have some bug fixed?

Or perhaps Cast Reordering - that would be a feature that would impact many more.

Of course, since one can do this currently (using relatively easy workarounds), it's probably isn't on the short list either.

Sorry for any confusion.


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