----- Original Message -----
From: "Buzz Kettles" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> At 5:53 PM -0500 12/9/02, you wrote:
> >Can't you just set a vector sprite's blend to 0?
> Yes - that works, but I automatically rule out blend = 0 for vectors
> since they don't disappear when they play in 16 bit color.

Dunno if this has been suggested already, since I've mostly been ignoring
this thread, but instead of using invisible members, you could do the
polygonal hotspots entirely in Lingo without using any sprites.
Unfortunately, code like that isn't for beginners, but if you can keep all
the polygons convex then it's still /relatively/ simple. Much of the code
required has been posted before IIRC, so it shouldn't be too hard to find an

I wrote some code for intersection with any polygon (convex or concave, any
number of points) a while ago. Unfortunately, although that code was just
good enough to scrape by at the time, it's very messy/buggy (it was
seriously rushed) and I wouldn't be happy about releasing it. I'm sure
someone else out there already has some better code, even if it only does
triangles, it shouldn't be a big deal to manually break the image-map down
into convenient sections.

- Robert

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