At 12:03 PM -0400 6/20/03, you wrote:
> I want to create a lot of text
 fields to display information on the stage and dont want to
 do it by hand. So i thought to create a script to generate
 child objects and display them on the screen. I can easily
 cretae a new field in the cast, but how can i assign that new
 cast member to a sprite using lingo?

Sprite(x).member = "someTextMember"

You used to have to do a puppetSprite, but since Director 7, I believe,
you implicitly puppet a sprite by manipulating it.

Before you do this, though, I would strongly recommend that you create a
range of dummy sprites. I just use a 1-pixel bitmap and place it
offstage. When it comes time to use it, I put it onstage with
sprite(x).locH and locV.

You do want the dummy sprites, though. Don't create sprites from thin
air. That's an unsupported feature, and while it will work most of the
time, there are some hidden gotchas that could bit you.

I know of one very big gotcha ...

In my experience, the first statement does nothing if old-style puppeting wasn't performed and there are no placeholders in place.

i.e. auto-puppeting the .member property fails if there are no placeholders.

Which is really a shame since auto-puppeting works so nice in that it only takes over the changed properties & leaves the score in charge of the rest (unlike old-style puppeting, where one must specify everything, since puppetSprite resets everything)



Kerry Thompson

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