At 13:16 2003-07-30, Howdy-Tzi wrote:
On Wednesday, Jul 30, 2003, at 14:22 America/Chicago, Mark A. Boyd wrote:

Uh oh. I can't get to Director right now to verify, so I could be wrong about the default. Am I thinking of text member's scroll bars?

Quite possibly. The scrollbars on both #text and #field members are DTS (and that can't be changed), and that's a pretty annoying habit of Director, as anyone knows who's tried to dynamically set or move those member types around on the stage -- you have to refresh the stageColor to get the scrollbars to disappear.

... or display any sprites on top of them. I never use Director's scroll bars anymore. Hooray for OSControls!

But I've not yet come across a #text member with DTS on by default. That would seem to belie the value of the antialiasing they offer, particularly over textured backgrounds.

It seems I was at least one cup-o-joe shy of an acceptable awareness level when I wrote that. You're right, they're not set to DTS by default.

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)

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