How many other OSes are run on 90+% of the world's personal computers?  With
that kind of coverage, any OS would be the target of malicious programmers.
The other OSes don't have enough coverage to warrant virus programmers'
attentions.  Plus, with Microsoft endeavoring to create a seamless computing
experience by integrating software with other software, Windows is bound to
have vulnerabilities creep in.  And from my view, they have done a better
job of creating that seamless experience than any other OS (and all you have
to do is buy an antivirus program and download software patches to get rid
of the resulting problems).  I've never had anything not work with WinXP,
whereas I've had several pieces of hardware not work with OSX (but yet they
still worked with WinXP), not to mention the crashing problems when trying
to use OS9 and OSX programs on the same machine.  Not exactly what I'd call
ideal computing.

I'm just going on observations...

Charlie Fiskeaux II
Media Designer
Cre8tive Group
cell: 859/608-9194

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Howdy-Tzi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2003 7:32 PM
Subject: Re: <lingo-l> Autorun/icon inconsistency

> On Tuesday, October 14, 2003, at 05:40 PM, Charlie Fiskeaux II wrote:
> > If people have bad experiences with Windows, I've found it's usually
> > because
> > their computing practices contribute heavily to it's instability and
> > seemingly negative qualities.  I've never had a copy of Windows that
> > was
> > less stable than Macs.
> Actually neither have I. However, that's because of my background with
> UNIX, OS/2, DOS, PRODOS and other CLI and semi-fragile OSen in years
> previous. Because of that experience I know what stupid things not to
> do.
> Any given OS is stable out of the box. How breakable it becomes due to
> user stupidity is another factor entirely, and it's indisputable that
> of all the current OSen extant, Windows is the most breakable. It's
> very aptly named.
> How many other OSen can you list that are prone to viruses by simply
> retrieving and reading email?
> -- WthmO
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