Is your task to build only the player, or is it to build the overall environment (including the source of the stream)? In theory, according to the help file for Lingo (do a search for "id3") BPM is an option (tag name = TBPM)- however, if that's the case, then the file actually needs to contain that information, and I'd say it's unreliable at best (based off my mp3 collection at least). If you have to do it dynamically, your task is 100% harder, but still do-able. If you google "director lingo mp3 player" you'll see a couple good starts in the results for the base of your player. Adding in search functionality is a matter of searching a library directory (getNthFileName if i remember correctly), pulling tags (or using the xtra) and building a list. Check for changes in the directory vs. your saved list once in a while (on startup perhaps), and you're golden. DRM? Who the hell needs DRM? Perhaps something along the lines of TCOP & TENC, but that's ridiculous to think it's a real DRM system. Big companies put up many many dollars and man hours trying to think of a way to work this out. Perhaps DRM means something different to me than it means to you and your professor.

At first blush, it seems like a big project, but once you start to break down the tasks, and look to see what's out there, I think it's definitely possible to crank it out in a week - which should leave time for the rest of your class work.

Let's hear how it goes -

Mindy McCutchan wrote:

Hi Everyone,

I'm in a director course at Purdue, and my professor has just assigned
my group a new project. It seems impossible to me (especially since we
have 2 weeks to do it), but I'm hoping someone can give me some
direction. Our task is to create a player to stream MP3's that works
with digital rights management and allows users to search for songs that
sound similar to the one they are listening to in terms of rhythm &
pace. It's the sound recognition that has me stumped. I believe id3v2
contains BPM that I could reference, but I didn't think it was possible
to read anything but v1 tags in director. If anyone could point me to
some references, I would really appreciate the help. So far, I can't
find anything.

Thank you in advance! :)


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