At 10:10 AM +0200 8/15/04, you wrote:
At 17:32 Uhr -0700 14.08.2004, Buzz Kettles wrote:
My guess is that you thought you did cmd-S (to save) when actually did cmd-D (duplicate)


At least that's what makes the most sense to me (who has also noticed this situation & gotten into some massively confusion because of the 2 ALMOST identical members.
(for instance, putting changes into the inactive one can be real annoying while debugging ...

none of my changes 'took'! :)

I was also bitten by that some times.
But it shouldn't be too hard to add some kind of 'feedback', when duplicating a member, we should only submit it as enhancement request to the wishlist.
I think some sort of 'flashing' the window content by redrawing it may be enough to make you aware that *something* happened.

note: there already are two kinds of graphical feedback.

1. The member selection changes to the new member (& the member hilight changes accordingly).
2. the appropriate menu header flashes ... (at least on Mac)
-> Save flashes the word 'File' & Duplicate flashes 'Edit'


I'll request that right away or are there thoughts against that ?



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