Hi all, thanks for your input regarding the 4-player simultaneous key press
problem - Anders Molsner, your "on idle" handler works much better - cheers!

But, (isn't there always a but?), there is still a problem. Through using
the watcher I can confirm that the following code

on idle
  if keypressed(36) = 1 then
  end if

  if keypressed(0) =  1 then
  end if

  if keypressed(37) = 1 then
  end if

  if keypressed(49) = 1 then
  end if
end idle

works like a charm. (BTW this is a broken down, reverse engineered version
of more complex code - I just needed to get the damn thing working!)

The problem appears to be not with the down state, but the up state. The
Keyup handler is not executing at all. I have the above code in the same
frame script as the handler for key presses. Even with the simple code below

on keyup
 put "look mum, I'm a keyup result"

nothing appears in the message window. In fact nothing works in this
handler. I know it is nothing to do with the handler called from the
keypressed if statements as they are only 3 line, non-repeat loop statements
and I have replaced them with --nothing and still the keyup command is

Am I going nuts? Is there some conflict with using keypressed? This game is
really beginning to get on my nerves.

help! X-[

Leon McComish
Web Developer

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