Besides exitFrames, also call it from idle's, and consider making it a 
movie in a window (MIAW) so that it runs on its own.

- Tab

At 12:09 PM 11/10/00 -0600, Tony Eggleston wrote:
>I am trying to complete a timer that counts down two minutes during a game 
>after the two minutes we have an "Intermission" come back and have another 
>two minute period.  The Timer is shown on the screen the entire time it is 
>running and we are going to certain loops within the movie, based upon 
>game interaction.  The code I have is below and is almost working... 
>however there is a freezing of the timer as director pulls questions from 
>a pre-randomized list  (this is done in the begging of the game before we 
>start the timer).  It then jumps ahead to where the timer is supposed to 
>be but this is unacceptable.  The timer needs to be the most critical 
>function that director performs.
>Any thoughts or Ideas?
>on startTheTimer
>   global gStartTime, gCurrentString, currTime
>   -- count down
>   gStartTime = the milliseconds + 120000
>   gCurrentString = ""
>   currTime = gStartTime - the milliseconds
>   if currTime < 0 then
>     currTime = 0
>   end if
>   showTime
>on showTime  -- I'm calling a showTime from each enterFrame
>   global  millisec, minString, secString, milliString, currTime, 
> gCurrentString, gStartTime
>   -- calculate minutes, seconds and milliseconds
>   currTime = gStartTime - the milliseconds
>   sec = integer(currTime/1000)
>   minute = integer(sec/60)
>   sec = sec - minute*60
>   hour = integer(minute/60)
>   minute = minute - hour*60
>   millisec = millisec - sec*1000 - minute*60*1000 - hour*60*60*1000
>   minString = string(minute+100).char[2..3]&":"
>   secString = string(sec+100).char[2..3]
>   milliString = string(millisec+1000).char[2..4]
>   milliString = "."&milliString.char[1..2]
>   -- create time string
>   text = minString&secString -- &milliString
>   -- update text member only if needed
>   if text <> gCurrentString then
>     member(37).text = text
>     gCurrentString = text
>   end if
>   updateStage
>Thanks guys,
>Tony Eggleston
>Imagine Media, Inc.
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