At 9:06 AM -0800 12/29/2000, Irv Kalb wrote:
>I want to do something that should be easy, but I've run into a wall here.
>I want to be able to put up a "tooltip" box anywhere on the screen. 
>I tried the simple approach of a field member with a single pixel 
>outline, but the client wants more space around the outside of the 

Hi Irv  -

Not sure what is happening with the vector shape  - but if I 
understand the problem - need for more air around the text, why not 
set the margin of the field member? You can set it quite high - more 
than what is in the GUI options. Maybe this will help. The syntax is:

member("test").margin = 14
member("test").border = 1

happy new. . .


     Roy Pardi
Contract Multimedia Developer   +  Lingo Programer
                                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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