> sendSprite(-5, #someFMethod, someArg)      is the same as using....

Try using 0 instead of -5. It works for me...

> sprite(-5).someFmethod(someArg)
> Yes??
> I keep getting handler or property not found if I use the
> second method

I suspect that's because you're trying to call a method from a sprite,
instead of the sprite's script instance. "sendSprite" searches all the
script instances of the sprite and if it finds the right handler, it calls
sprite(0).scriptInstanceList[1].someFmethod(someArg) might work since that's
the actual script that's attached to the sprite, but why bother?

Incidentally, are you actually running the movie when using sendSprite? I
suspect it wont work from the message window, unless the movie is playing.
The thing is, the sprite's script only gets instantiated when the movie is
playing and the playback head hits the sprite. Otherwise, the script just
sits there and waits to be activated.


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