hello, can anyone help I'm trying to insert a score into four different text
fields. problem is each field is detirmined by the value myscore and where
it go in the hierarchy this being
  pScoreValue01 = 4000
  pScoreValue02 = 3000
  pScoreValue03 = 2000
  pScoreValue04 = 1000
and weather myscore is greater or less than these, but it is placing myscore
in all text fields less than myscore,
can anyone help on the maths

global listp, listZ
property myname, myscore

property pDefaultText, pScoreValue01, pScoreValue02, pScoreValue03,

on beginSprite me
  pDefaultText = "Player 1"
  pScoreValue01 = 4000
  pScoreValue02 = 3000
  pScoreValue03 = 2000
  pScoreValue04 = 1000
end beginSprite me

on enterframe me

end enterframe me

on exitFrame me
  put pScoreValue01 into member "showHigh01"
  put pScoreValue02 into member "showHigh02"
  put pScoreValue03 into member "showHigh03"
  put pScoreValue04 into member "showHigh04"
end exitFrame me

on mouseUp me

  if myScore<pScoreValue04 then
    alert"Your Score ain't worth Shit!"
  end if

  if myScore> pScoreValue04 then
    pScoreValue04 = myname&&myScore
  end if

  if myScore> pScoreValue03  then
    if myScore< pScoreValue02 then
      pScoreValue03 = myname&&myScore
    end if
  end if

  if myScore> pScoreValue02 then
    pScoreValue02 = myname&&myScore
  end if

  if myScore> pScoreValue01 then
    pScoreValue01 = myname&&myScore
  end if

end mouseUp me
on mousedown me
  set myname = the text of field "name2000"
  set myscore = the text of field "scoretotal2000"

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