> Another path to go is to save an existing linked castLib under a new name 
> and to link this castLib using importfileinto(). I'm in doubt if this would 
> work from a projector but it does in development.

I don´t really see how You would link a castlib to a movie using importFileInto(). To 
my knowledge this function imports media into a castlib as opposed to having linked 
media. For instance usable to make linked media "unlinked" when finishing a project.

Bur Daniel has a point in suggesting that You can save an exisiting (and maybe 
modified) castlib to disc under a new name with the "save castlib()" command, and then 
linking it to the movie with the fileName property. This will work in a projector 
provided of course that the castlib is saved on a writable media lika a HD. I do this 
a lot in projects where the user is allowed to create his/her own media (drawing 
bitmaps for instance). It´s a great way to get around the problem of saving different 
media types on disk. Just save the castlib and everything in it is neatly contained, 
text, images, etc.

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Bjarne Nyquist
Researcher, Lingo Programmer
The Interactive Institute, phone: +46-(0)8 783 24 74

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