The most reliable way to add Xtras to (at least) pre-D8 projectors is to
copy the required Xtras to a folder named "Xtras" at the same level as
the final projector. Make sure that the Xtras are not - NOT - added to
the movies. Remove them as the final step before creating the projector.

The reason is (as far as I get it):
At runtime, a projector first looks for a folder named "Xtras" in its
own directory. If it's there, the projector uses THEM.

If not, the projector automatically creates new copies of added Xtras.
These are created in the windows TEMP directory, and deleted when the
projector shuts down.

On different versions/updates/subversions of NT, The path to the
windows/winNT/win32 TEMP directory varies.
That's why projectors with added Xtras fail on *some* NT machines.

Check out the technotes at macromedia for more details.

Another thing worth considering:

If you're branching to different movies, the movies, not the projector,
require that xtras be added. This can be a repetitive task if you have a
lot of movies.

That's another argument for the "Xtras" folder approach.

HTH, regard, Clars Danvold

"Brown, William K" wrote:
>         I keep getting a missing xtra statement from my projectors when I
> know they've been added. In addition a recent project on CDROM plays
> perfectly without the Xtra statement on other computers but when  play it on
> my authoring station it gives me the same message. This problem started last
> week.
>         I'm on an NT box. 450 mHZ running Director 6.
>         Anybody got any ideas? Should I reinstall Director?
>         Thanks in advance.
> > Will Brown
> > Creative Services
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