
There's a lot of things that can affect performance, and since you didn't 
explain what else is going on in your app, it's hard to recommend a 
particular approach, but generally:

1) Keep your frame rate as low as possible to still get the effect you 
need.  For instance, if I have rollovers or something similar, but no 
active animations, I'll keep the frame rate at like 4 fps or 6 
fps.  Anything greater is overkill, and just causes Director to do a lot 
more work.

2) Put one of your synchronization checks in an exitFrame or an enterFrame 
handler.  This will ensure it gets serviced at least every 0.25 or 0.18 

3) Then put a synchronization check in an idle handler.  If the overall 
frame rate is low then your idle handler should get called a LOT, yet it 
won't impact overhead much because it's only called when nothing is going 
on anyway.  With a low frame rate, you might be surprised at how much free 
time you have.

People are often under the misconception that cranking the frame rate makes 
the product run faster.  Au contraire, it has quite the opposite effect.

Other things you are doing could also have an impact on performance, but 
since you didn't share those, I couldn't hazard a guess.

- Tab

At 04:08 PM 4/11/01 -0400, Dennis Flood wrote:
>Hello all,
>I'm working on an app where I need to know precisely (within reason) when
>one second becomes the next second according to my system clock. I'm
>developing for win2k and running a service called timesync that keeps my
>system within .030 seconds of real. I've tried a couple of approaches, but
>I'm not really happy with any of them. Timeout objects drift in relation to
>the system clock. Creating a handler that continually checks for the time
>works, but there's a tradeoff between how many times I check per second (my
>resolution), and overall performance.
>Can anyone suggest another solution??
>Thanks in advance.
>Dennis Flood
>P.S. - Sorry if this appears twice, I thought I sent it earlier, but I
>haven't received a copy back from the listserver

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