
Thanks for your suggestions about synchronizing my app to the system clock.
My application is a playback engine for a large A/V show control system.
Basically it reads schedule events from a SQL database (ODBC Xtra) and cues
them up in ram (a property list) until the events need to be fired. It will
then send a string out a serial port to the A/V control sub-system which
will catch the command and control the device. At the start of any given
second, the engine might be called upon to fire up to 200 commands. (3-5
bytes each). If I decide that I can make this work as a Director App, I'll
be using Tomer's Direct Communication Xtra to handle serial port

My other option is to do the playback engine as a C++ app, It's just that
I'm thinking we can get it done quicker in Director.

I could use an off-the-shelf show control system, but this system needs to
be very flexible, new media, every month, and the operators will not be

Now that I'm writing this, I'm wondering if there's anybody in NYC
interested in some freelance work. Besides this module, there are the
content creation and schedule editing modules that we have to do. Because
we're using a MS SQL server to store the schedule data, It doesn't matter
what programming language we use to develop the modules.The system has to
run by mid-September, doesn't actually have to be pretty till the end of the
year. Any interested parties should e-mail me off list.


Dennis Flood

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