At 3:25 PM -0400 6/22/01, Carl West wrote:
>Irv Kalb wrote:
>>  Others have already pointed out the need for the "me" variable.  But
>>  I'll add something else.  If you have a behavior where to want to
>>  send something to the same sprite number, instead of hard coding the
>>  sprite number, use the built in "spriteNum" variable.  For example,
>>  instead of:
>>    sendSprite(3, #checkRight, 15)
>>  use
>>     sendSprite(spriteNum, #checkRight, 15)
>>  And be sure to declare "property spriteNum" as the top of the script.
>>  This makes the behavior much more general.  You could use it in any
>>  channel, and it will continue to work if you move your sprite from
>>  channel 3 to some other channel.
>>  Irv
>This works when the behaviour is applied to the sprite during authoring,
>and it's a wonderful thing.
>But, if you apply the behaviour on the fly with Lingo, 'spriteNum'
>doesn't get a value. You'll need to set the property explicitly.

Carl is absolutely right here.  Thanks for the reminder.



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