FYI I decided to check out the difference by using the suggested script 
below this is what turned out.  Its bassically moving the locV of every 
sprite when the handler is called.

Repeat loop:                       sendAllSprites:
5   sprites : 86                     5   sprites: 112
10 sprites: 329                   10 sprites: 224
15 sprites: 402                   15 sprites: 386
20 sprites: 587                   20 sprites: 542
25 sprites: 817                   25 sprites: 750
30 sprites: 1064                 30 sprites: 990
35 sprites: 1348                 35 sprites: 1266
40 sprites: 1661                 40 sprites: 1566
50 sprites: 2326                 50  sprites: 2236
75 sprites: 4703                 75  sprites: 4239
100 sprites: 8244               100 sprites: 7113


>But, if you really want to find out, add your own timing test:
>    startTime = the milliseconds
>    repeat with aSpriteNumber in myListOfSpriteNumbers
>     sendSprite(aSpriteNumber, #someMessage)
>    end repeat
>    put "Repeat loop test took" && (the milliseconds - startTime)
>    startTime = the milliseconds
>    sendAllSprites(#someMessage)
>    put "sendAllSprites test took" && (the milliseconds - startTime)

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