> so i'll test > it Monday but here's what i got. very interesting results Bill. I'll be interested in the complete comparison on Monday on the same machine Al [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to http://www.penworks.com/LUJ/lingo-l.cgi To post messages to the list, email [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]) Lingo-L is for learning and helping with programming Lingo. Thanks!]
- RE: <lingo-l> Sending a large group params Jakob Hede Madsen
- Re: <lingo-l> Sending a large group params Irv Kalb
- Re: <lingo-l> Sending a large group params Terry R. Schussler
- Re: <lingo-l> Sending a large group params R. Bhakti Klein
- Re: <lingo-l> Sending a large group para... Terry R. Schussler
- Re: RE: <lingo-l> Sending a large group params Kurt Griffin
- Re: <lingo-l> Sending a large group params Bill Numerick
- RE: <lingo-l> Sending a large group params Al Hospers
- RE: <lingo-l> Sending a large group params Bill Numerick
- RE: <lingo-l> Sending a large group params Al Hospers
- RE: <lingo-l> Sending a large group params Jakob Hede Madsen
- RE: <lingo-l> Sending a large group params pranavn
- RE: <lingo-l> Sending a large group params Jakob Hede Madsen
- RE: <lingo-l> Sending a large group params pranavn