At 23:12 +0300 2001_06_26, Pekka Buttler wrote:

>Now the only thing I can come up with is that somewhere along the line Macr
>has F***'d up the internal pecking order of Director's tasks. IMHO, sound
>should come first, everything else later (as it is in video formats). The
>user can tolerate slow updating of the screen, but he can not tolerate sound
>cracking or breaking up.

>So now, fellow developers, I turn to you, hoping to receive any and all
>advice you can spare. Also If I just ain't seeing the forest due to all the
>trees, kick my butt and put me back on track.

First of all, rest assured that it's not you who f-worded up here.
Somebody else clearly made a b-word.
You are not the first nor only developer to experience the volatility 
of D8 sound handling.
In fact I have been completely baffled, that the community as such 
seemed to be able to make sound-dependant multimedia at all.
I have battled it, and had to go to extreme lengths to avoid sound-drop-outs.
And that was not QT related, qt3Mix was not used, since it was a 
QT-less project.
Bruce Epstein has battled it too, and he came up with a set of 
revision-numbers for dll and Xtras that had to be updated, but I 
vaguely recollect, that his fix was only Mac related.

At any rate, the fix where you make a slim Projector, and patch in 
all the latest D8.0 Xtras and system components, from a D8.0 SW 
install, is clearly a first step to try, since it is by far the 
easiest quickest fix, since it wouldn't require restructuring (maybe 
apart from making a fast-Start-Projector, if you aren't already 
[which, IMHO you should, and while I'm at it; don't fear FastSplash.])

The fix I used for a slide show engine, was to slice all images, and 
load them asynchronously in Lingo, and with idleLoad. Then I 
reconciled the images in an imageObjectBuffer, before copypixling the 
lot to the stage.
The trick is clearly to identify any operation that occupies 
Directors mind, for more than a split-second, and distribute that 
cpu-load over time. This is mostly related to handling any bitmaps 
larger than "small", but textMembers rendering to stage, also seems 
to be able to break sounds.

I don't know what's causing this under the hood, but obviously I 
guess at depleted sound-buffers.

Back in the D6.5 days I used the old MultiMixer Xtra to play all 
sounds through QT. This Xtra has a fetaure where you explicitly 
refreshes its buffers with a lingo call to the Xtra-instances.
What I did was to intersperse all heavy operations with a update-call 
to my soundManager. Inside repeat loops and just before and after 
loading of assets. The soundManager then refreshed the sounds when 
I have suggested that Lingo gets an equivalent feature, and a 
Macromedia engineer said it sounded like a good idea.

Apparently this problem is somewhat recognized by Macromedia and 
allegedly D8.5 contains sound fixes targeted at this particular 

Recap to fix sound drop-outs:
1: Update Player components and Xtras with SW parts.
2: Slice images and load asynchronously
3: Use MultiMixer
4: Update to D8.5

Regards, Jakob

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