I know Buzz.  And over the years, while working at Macromedia he did 
a wonderful job of ensuring that sound works well in Director.  In no 
way was I trying to imply that this was a bug in sound.  However, the 
user certainly perceived this problem as a sound bug for the reason 
that Buzz states.

At 4:44 PM -0700 6/26/01, Buzz Kettles wrote:
>Irv's correct - this was addressed in d8.5
>And please note:
>It wasn't a SOUND bug -
>It was a LOADING bug, that became most obvious while playing a 
>sound, because we humans are so sensitive to sound gaps because 
>sound is continuous media.
>*a guy who's sick of sound taking the blame*
>At 1:50 PM -0700 6/26/01, Irv Kalb wrote:
>>You probably don't want to hear this at this late stage in your 
>>production cycle, but ...
>>There was a bug in D8 dealing with sound breaking up when Director 
>>loads large graphics.  (I ran into this exact problem on my current 
>>project.)    The fix was to upgrade to Director 8.5  I was able to 
>>upgrade my whole project without introducing any new problems, so 
>>for me, this worked fine.  I don't know if you want to go that 


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