Since both operands are integers (that is, 1 is an integer, and the 
duration is an integer), Director will perform integer math on it, and the 
result will be an integer (in this case, 0).

What you want to do is force it to do floating point math on it.  Since one 
of your divisors is a constant (1) you can do it easily like so:
cpart = ctime * (1.0/sprite(2).duration)

(note how I made the 1 to be 1.0)

Alternatively you could do float(1), although this is unnecessary if you 
can just tack a .0 on the end - it makes more sense when bother are variables.

Now, one of the operands is a floating point, and Director will perform 
floating point math instead of integer math.  Easy - just add .0!

- Tab

At 02:08 PM 7/23/01 -0400, Jason Whiting wrote:
>Hopefully somone can help me with this one. I am working on a movie slider.
>Here's the code to move the slider durring playback.
>     ctime = sprite(2).currenttime
>     -- 2 is the video sprite
>     -- ctime is the current time code in ms
>     cpart = ctime * (1/sprite(2).duration)
>     -- cpart computes the current segment
>     -- currenttime * 1/duration in MS
>     cloc = sprite(149).width * cpart
>     -- width of entire slider * segment
>     -- products the approximate number of pixels to move
>     vcalc = integer(cloc)
>     -- convert cloc to integer
>     sprite(150).loch = vcalc + sprite(149).loch - (sprite(149).width/2)
>     -- move slider control correct number of pixels
>     -- based on left edge of slider bar
>in the past I have hard coded:
>cpart = ctime * (1/sprite(2).duration)
>so it looked like:
>  cpart = ctime * .000003620564808
>but I would rather build this behavior to be drag and drop. My problem lies
>in how Director is handle'n the math. In director 1/276200 = 0 where I need
>it to = 3.62056480811006517016654598117306e-6. I read various technotes on
>MM site but none seem to give any hint to a solution to this problem.
>Reading about how Director handles floating point calculations it seems like
>the issues are only when displaying numbers not the actual calculations but
>the script doesn't function at all without hardcoding the number. This leads
>me to belive that Director is using 0 as the solution to
>(1/sprite(2).duration) .  Can anyone help here?

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