Thanks for the link. Here's what i did to solve the problem. all works well
now and thanks again.


 ctime = sprite(2).currenttime
    -- 8 is the video sprite #
    floatPrecision = 10
    -- allow floating numbers to use 10 decimal places
    cdur = float(sprite(2).duration)
    -- set the duration of movie to a Floating point number
    cpart = ctime * float(1.0000000000/cdur)
    -- this number is 1 / clip lenghth
    put cpart
    cloc = sprite(149).width * cpart
    -- this number is the slider lenght
    vcalc = integer(cloc)
    sprite(150).loch = vcalc + sprite(149).loch - (sprite(149).width/2)
    -- this number is the Horizontal location of the left edge of the bar

-----Original Message-----
From: Rob Romanek [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2001 2:44 PM
Subject: Re: <lingo-l> Problem with floaint points

Hey Jason,

go to the archives and read this earlier message at:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg10744.html

that should answer your question.



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