I'm not familiar with either the book or the example, but by "not in the 
movie" you mean you are running a movie in a window, then the answer is no, 
you cannot debug a movie in a window (MIAW).

If you mean that you transfered (using 'go to movie') to another movie, 
then you physically can't be running a script in the movie you came from, 
so I don't know what you're talking about in that case.

However from the description I almost wonder if you simply mean, go to a 
movie script.  ??

Maybe someone else more familiar with the example can say.

- Tab

At 08:10 PM 7/25/01 -0500, Will Mazurek wrote:
>I am tring to learn OOPS programing using Peter Small's LINGO SORCERY
>copywrite 1996.
>In the 2nd chapter there is a demonstration where you start in a movie
>called "workshop" that has the parent script and a button to make a
>object called "virus".  You then go to a movie called "isolated"  where
>you have a button called "move around" when it is clicked on it goes to
>a movie called "host" where it replaces a sprite on the stage with the
>"virus" object  and moves it around the stage.  I had a problem with it
>and could not figure out how to debugg it.  If i put a breakpoint back
>in the parentscript in the 1st movie it was never tripped.  even after I
>got it to work it would not trip it.
>Is there a way to step through a parent script to debug it when you are
>not in the movie that contains it?
>Thanks for any help!

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