i would definitely recommend's irv's "ebook", and i think there are good
chapters in bruce epstein's and gary rosenzweig's books.
peter small's lingo sorcery is unique, that's for sure. for me, it was
very helpful in making the conceptual leaps required to move from
procedural to object oriented thinking. oop seems to be the kind of
thinking that turns on like a light switch. once that happened, i moved
on to other sources about ways of using it in director. but for first
making that leap, peter's book is weird enough that it can be helpful
along those lines...
Irv Kalb wrote:
> Peter Small had some errors in his book and put an errata sheet on
> his website. You can find it at:
> http://www.avatarnets.com/sitejuly2001/popUpPage.html?overview/lserrata.htm
> However, many people feel that his book is somewhat difficult to
> understand and his presentation of objects is not "mainstream". The
> discussion of objects as viruses that you are trying to work through
> is an example of his unusual view of object oriented programming.
> For what I think is a more straight-forward real world description of
> some underlying concepts of OOP, I invite you to read my free
> (unfinished) on-line book at:
> http://www.furrypants.com/loope
> Irv
> At 8:10 PM -0500 7/25/01, Will Mazurek wrote:
> >I am tring to learn OOPS programing using Peter Small's LINGO SORCERY
> >copywrite 1996.
> >In the 2nd chapter there is a demonstration where you start in a movie
> >called "workshop" that has the parent script and a button to make a
> >object called "virus". You then go to a movie called "isolated" where
> >you have a button called "move around" when it is clicked on it goes to
> >a movie called "host" where it replaces a sprite on the stage with the
> >"virus" object and moves it around the stage. I had a problem with it
> >and could not figure out how to debugg it. If i put a breakpoint back
> >in the parentscript in the 1st movie it was never tripped. even after I
> >got it to work it would not trip it.
> >
> >Is there a way to step through a parent script to debug it when you are
> >not in the movie that contains it?
> >
> --
> Lingo / Director / Shockwave development for all occasions.
> (Home-made Lingo cooked up fresh every day just for you.)
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R. Bhakti Klein
Instructional Media Developer, Distributed Learning Workshop
Baritone, Wicki6
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but you can do them with a lot of Love."
-- Mother Theresa
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