very well written Luke.

this is the stumbling block between the article & my use of OOP in

> There may be a fine line between passing data in a
> parameter (such as the percentage of the movie played) and a
> blunt "heres my
> private data for anyone that asks" type accessor, but surely
> such a line can
> be measured only by how it protects object encapsulation and
> re-usability?

perhaps it is, as Colin K says, a matter of semantics. I think I said
that in about the middle of the thread. and Director's current mixed
OOP/procedural state makes it difficult to define the boundaries some

this thread has helped me, and hopefully others, think & rethink all
of this stuff in a better way. biz has been somewhat slow & I have not
been in the crazy_with_work phase this summer so I have time tho think
about the process for a change. most of the time I'm just looking for
the fastest & most reliable way to get something done. not always the
same goal unfortunately I might add.



Al Hospers
CamberSoft, Inc.

Shockwave and Director development, Lingo programming, CGI scripting.

A famous linguist once said:
"There is no language wherein a double
positive can form a negative."


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