At 6:34 PM +1000 8/22/01, Luke Wigley wrote:
>I agree with Mark. The difficulty for me is establishing effective lines of
>communication between the various objects that respect the principles that
>accessors tend to indicate sloppy encapsulation, and that 'mutual references
>are evil'.
>Leaving aside the 'mutual references' issue (which still confuses me),

I have heard this statement about 'mutual references being evil' many 
times.    But I say that there is nothing wrong with it, and in fact 
it can be extremely desirable and useful.  If you want two objects to 
communicate with each other directly, the only way to do it is for 
each to hold a reference to the other.

Here is a good example.  Imagine a manager object X and an object 
that it manages Y.  In fact X instantiates Y.  When X instantiates Y, 
it passes the variable "me" as a parameter.  The new object Y, takes 
the value that was passed in for "me" from X and stores it in a 
property variable, let's call the property variable, poParent 
(property object Parent).  When the "new" call returns, the newly 
created object Y, passes back it's object reference to the parent X. 
The X object can then save this reference away in a property 
variable, let's call it poChild (property object Child).  Given this 
setup, whenver the parent object, X, wants to send a message to the 
child object, it uses the property variable poChild.  And whenever 
the child object Y, wants to send a message to the parent object, X, 
it uses its property variable poParent.

I have built many systems like this and there is no problem with 
them.  Typically, I have a situation where I have a single manager 
object, like X above, and I create multiple child objects like Y.  In 
that case, instead of the manager object having a single property 
like poChild, it maintains a list of object references like ploChild 
(property which is a list of object references).

The only trick is that when the time comes to get rid of object X, it 
must pass on the message to any and all of its created child objects 
that they are about to be destroyed.  They must clear out their 
reference to the parent object (set poParent = VOID) before they are 
eliminated.  Then the parent object must clear out references to any 
and all of its children before it is destroyed.

Here's some skeleton code (off the top of my head):

-- X (Manager object)
property ploChild

on new me
   ploChild = []
   return me

on mCreateNewChild me
   oNewChild = new(script "Y", me)
   append(ploChild, oNewChild)

-- generalized method called when we're about to die
on mCleanUp me
   nChildren = count(ploChild)
   repeat with i = 1 to nChildren
      oChild = ploChild[i]
      oChild.mCleanUp()  -- give each child a chance to clean itself up
      ploChild[i] = void
   end repeat

-- Y (Child object

property poParent

on new me, oParent
    poParent = oParent
    return me

on mCleanUp me
    poParent = VOID
    -- if this object had created any other objects, it would pass the 
mCleanUp message on here.

For more information this, see my book at:

Hope this helps.



Lingo / Director / Shockwave development for all occasions. 
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