hi Mark,

> There is no need for a get/set situation, your passing a
> useable parameter and allow the other object class to deal
> with it as it sees fit. What happens within the other object
> is non of the message senders business. In this manner, you
> still communicate but you pass simple values that the other
> object acts upon in greater detail.. you don't directly
> manipulate what the other object is in charge of etc..
> therefore you also have a degree of ease in debugging
> because you have a small predefined message paths and you
> can see who is calling in where etc..

if this is correct, then this is exactly what I do in most if not all
of my objects & behaviors. what has been confusing here, I think, are
the symantecs. all this talk of accessors not being allowed and no
Get/Set functions has been what has had me turned around. if you are
saying that you can get information from an object as long as you do
not modify it or get it directly and you can pass information to an
object, as long as what you are passing does not correspond to an
actual property of an object, then I definitely understand.

> Does this make any sense or am I totally missing the boat on
> what is being talked about.

nope, I don't think that you miss the boat at all. now if we ge an
agreement from Jakob that this is correct, then I personally am home
free <grin>.  the problem has been the statements in the Java article
about absolutely no accessor functions and if you need any you should
be including the accessing method in the object. or at least that is
the way I read the article.


Al Hospers
CamberSoft, Inc.

Shockwave and Director development, Lingo programming, CGI scripting.

A famous linguist once said:
"There is no language wherein a double
positive can form a negative."


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