Jakob made a lot of good points, and boiled it all down to:
> Suddenly it seems so cloudy again... can you wipe away the clouds?

This is where I usually end up whenever I try to adhere religiously to pure
OOP standards in Director. I just get the feeling that the hybrid
procedural/oop environment that is Director tends to encourage somewhat
hybrid coding. However, this has been an enjoyable thread to follow - I
stayed out of it until now, simply because others voiced my POV.

For myself, I won't necessarily stop using accessor methods - but when I do,
I will certainly pause and reconsider what each object is doing. I may
decide to retain the accessors, and if that means that I'm not really
writing OOP code, well, so be it - if you don't break a rule (for a logical
reason) once in a while, you never come up with a new system.

2 cents,

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