On Fri, 2019-05-03 at 13:53 +1000, David wrote:
> On Wednesday, 1 May 2019 15:38:41 AEST Jevan Pipitone wrote:
> Having been on the other side of the assignment process, I think
> that's a very big worry.  The purpose of an assignment is to assess
> what the student knows and _understands_ and, by implication, what
> parts of the subject need to be reinforced.  How is that possible
> when external tutors are involved?
> These days assignments often count towards a student's end-of-year
> assessment too.

I have progeny at Uni now, and it's become extremely continuous
assessment. There is no opportunity to learn before you are expected to

Even though by the end of the year or semester you may have a godlike
comprehension of the subject, if you took a few months to get your head
around it, there is no way to recover lost marks from a zillion little
tests and quizzes all of which count towards your final mark.

I have no problem with participation being required - i.e. doing the
quizzes and tests and pracs - but I have a big problem with every damn
tiny little thing counting irrevocably towards your final mark, right
from the get go.

People seeking outside help is completely understandable especially as
the inside help is often - way too often - extremely poor.

If you have to censor academic assistance services (whether it's
cheating or not depends on how they are used) you are missing the
underlying problem.

Regards, K.

Karl Auer (ka...@biplane.com.au)

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