And none of that has anything to do with what Jim Sibley was saying.  Hence,
the non sequitur.  I guess some people are more interested in flaming IBM
than in reading what people are actually writing.

Mark Post

-----Original Message-----
From: Henry Schaffer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2001 5:18 PM
Subject: Re: LCS drivers for 2.4.9 ?

Mark writes:
>That's an interesting non sequitur.

  I don't think its a non sequitur - having something OCO means it can't
be updated for new kernel releases, it can't be investigated when
problems are happening, it depends on IBM for everything.  That is a
real business risk for people who depend on OSA cards for 390 data

--henry schaffer

>Mark Post
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Alan Cox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2001 3:42 PM
>Subject: Re: LCS drivers for 2.4.9 ?
>> Remember, the ONLY Linux kernel OCO code IBM supplies, to my knowlede, is
>> for OSA cards!
>And what about next month, or next year. In the PC world I can rip out a
>card if a vendor screws me, and go elsewhere. Its a $200 annoyance not
>a million dollar business risk.

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