My mistake, I confused myself.  Time to change feet...

I think what I was getting at is the packaging/kernel versioning used by
RedHat, which means that their 2.4.9 kernel is not called '2.4.9', but
'2.4.9-something special', which means you can't fit a version-labelled
module into it.  My understanding of the problems Mark and others were
having trying to fit the 2.4.5 modules into the RedHat beta 2.4.5 kernel.

Still, RedHat aren't the only ones doing it: SuSE's first 2.4 kernel (at
least on Intel) was "2.4.0-4GB", IIRC...

Rick's right -- it's time to get productive again.  Sorry for the

Vic Cross

----- Original Message -----
From: "Alan Cox" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2001 10:35 AM
Subject: Re: LCS drivers for 2.4.9 ?

> > I like RedHat's words, but the term "RedHat standard kernel" bothers me
> > bit (isn't there only supposed to be *one* standard kernel?).  And, the
> > point has been made before, that IBM could be a bit more flexible.
> No vendor ships Linus base kernel. Linus base kernel doesn't pass anyones
> QA test suite. Linus role is to put out clean well designed code and to
> ensure development takes the right paths. The vendors then all add on
> top of that various things including bug fixes which while they may fix
> the bug are not the right long term solution and so won't go into Linus
> tree.
> Alan

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