Vic wrote:

        On this list, there seem to be more Linux people than "mainframe"
people (or
        maybe the Linux folk are more vocal), so you'd be forgiven for
thinking that
        popular opinion goes in favour of RedHat.  But it's been discussed
in the
        past that most Linux/390 or zLinux installations will be in sites
        already have a mainframe--so they'll be trying to come to grips with
        fact that they've got all this 'open source' stuff on their system!
        I'd go so far as to say that some shops might even be glad of a
little IBM
        OCO that they can trust!!! ;)

And among the "mainframe" people are some who remember the great OCO war of
the late 80's, early 90's between the VM world and IBM.  A compromise (of
sorts) was reached where that part of VM that had always been source code
would remain so and so would new features that were not related to company
trade secrets.

The paradigm for VM had always been the availability of source code.  A lot
of the innovation in the early days of VM was driven by the user world
because the source code was available.

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