> > > We need a Lingua Franca for hypervisors.
> > > Consider the command
> > >
> > >                 hcp attach F200-F202 mylinux
> > >
> > > Makes perfect sense,  though the "handle" is a zSeries I/O range.
> > > What would that mean to INTeL?   Might look more like
> >
> > Did I miss something? That address range is valid on IA32.
> Address range?   Did you mean memory, IO ports, or interrupts?
> With zSeries,  a device has one address.   With IA32,  a device is
> referenced by a vector.

The example sure has the appearance of an address range.

With the advent of PCI, Intel devices sort out their interrupts
automatically and can even share them. I/O addressing also is sorted
out at boot time - a user specifying an address (or range) may well be
disappointed when a new device is added or an old one shifted to a
different slot or removed.

Legacy ISA-compatible devices pop up at the same old addresses; on my
machine this means some on-board devices such as serial ports, printer,
IDE controllers. I have no ISA slots.

John Summerfield

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