
We had a crash of the HMC on our MP 3000 a couple of days ago. This caused
our Linux images (in LPAR mode) to hang. Aparently when the HMC goes down
the Linux consoles connected to the HMC go into a sort of wait stage that
results that the Linux images become unresponsive. Even telnet/ssh into
the images doesn't work.

The MVS lpars were unaffected by the HMC crash, but to restore the HMC and
the Linux images a POR was needed.

Since this could happen again in the future is there a way to prevent the
hanging of the Linux LPARs when the HMC goes down ?
Is there a way to let Linux run without a local console/tty/pts ?
Other suggestions, simular experiences ?

Thanks and regards,

Tim Verhoeven
                                Linux & Open Source Specialist
GSM : 0496 / 693 453                          + e-business solutions
Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]                           + consulting
URL : www.sin.khk.be/~dj/                     + Server consolidation

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