> Peter,
> What was the exact ./configure command you wound up issuing?

spec files have useful build instructions in them. Had you read the spec file for your 
outgoing samba, you'd havr discovered

a) The need for ./configure
b) A good model for the one you actually needed.

The need for ./configure is pretty standard. The experience ganed here will stand you 
in good stead for most of the software you will actually need.

btw Something I am curious about is the cost of compiling software on, say, your 
top-end S/390 or zSeries compared with the cost of doing the same build on your 
high-end PC (Athlon XP or P IV).

If cost is hard to figure, elapsed time would be a good starting-point.

John Summerfield

Microsoft's most solid OS: http://www.geocities.com/rcwoolley/

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        be right!

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