If at all possible, use the Guest LAN.  It gets past all of this point to
point stuff and for all the reasons that Adam mentioned.

On Friday 08 November 2002 08:44 am, you wrote:
> Given an IFL running zVM and several Linux/390 images, is it better to fan
> out to all the Linux images from zVM's TCPIP, or should TCPIP talk to a
> selection of images, with these images each handling several end machines,
> more like a tree structure? What would be the advantages and disadvantages
> of either method, and is there a "break-even" point below which you'd want
> to fan from TCPIP, but above which you'd want "helper" images?
> If two images have a need to talk to each other, is it better to connect
> them directly, or just allow them to converse through zVM's TCPIP?
> And lastly: When I install SuSE, it lists the IUCV driver as experimental.
> Is it experimental, but stable, and I should take a look at it, or is it
> experimental, and unstable, and I should stick to the vCTCA's I'm currently
> using?
> Thanks in advance for any and all opinions.
> ----
> Robert P. Nix                            internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Mayo Clinic                                  phone: 507-284-0844
> 200 1st St. SW                             page: 507-255-3450
> Rochester, MN 55905
> ----
> "In theory, theory and practice are the same,
>  but in practice, theory and practice are different."

Rich Smrcina
Sytek Services, Inc.
Milwaukee, WI

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