> On Fri, 21 Feb 2003, John Summerfield wrote:
> > I don't see why you shouldn't have / ro, have a basic /etc with enough for
> > system recovery and to have an entry in /etc/inittab to run a script to loc
> ate
> > and mount the real /etc over the top. You could probably do it from /linuxr
> c
> > too, I have an installer that runs entirely from there;-)
> Hmmm...
> /etc/mtab : The list of currently mounted partitions. Can it be replaced
>             by a link to /proc/mounts ?

It can. However, losing it over a reboot wouldn't matter;-)

> /etc/lvmtab : information about LVM volums . updated by vgscan on each
>               boot. To re-update it, run vgscan again.

Presumably you could symlink it to some place in /var.

> Anything else that is normally written to /etc ?
> --
> Tzafrir Cohen
> http://www.technion.ac.il/~tzafrir

John Summerfield

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