[ unrelated to the original thread ]

On Fri, Sep 05, 2003 at 02:37:43PM -0700, Jim Sibley wrote:
> Since we are a mixed OS shop, the operators are used
> to punching the reset button for MVS; they try
> this on Linux - MVS survives, Linux often does not!.
> Either you can get ulcers trying to train your
> operators or you try to bullet proof your systems. I'd
> rather bullet proof my systems.

Why not make "the button" cause a proper shutdown?

> The most interesting
> one I've seen is the 64bit Linux with 5 GB of memory -
> it was "idle" over the weekend and Monday morning the
> user hit the reset button - the result was the respack
> was completely unuseable, even after fsck! Why?
> Because the default bdflush cache dirty percent is so
> high that meta data got lost! (I currently set my this
> value to zero to force writes as soon as possible).

Tzafrir Cohen                       +---------------------------+
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