On Thu, Sep 04, 2003 at 04:23:00PM -0700, Jim Sibley wrote:
> John McKown wrote:
> >What would you like, specifically?
> I am trying to understand how to handle the large
> distribution sizes with the small buckets I am given
> to use. My users, being devlopers, can and will use
> everything they can find on the distribution. Yet I
> have to manage large DASD subsystems where subchannel
> I/O needs to be optimized to get the best performance
> overall and large volumes w/o PAV's are a bottleneck
> on shark (or RVA for that matter).
> >1) Create a 3390-9 or -27 for the /usr partition. The
> >problems are (a)
> >possible I/O queueing to the physical device, (b) not
> >have a
> >correspondingly
> >sized volume for D.R. purposes.
> The D.R. is a good point - the D.R. site would have to
> have the same exact hardware (-9 or -27 volumes) which
> would certainly limit D.R. to shark.
> Mark's point is much the same - recovery using LVM or
> RAID can be a problem. I think John Summerfield also
> mentioned this in a different thread.

But what happens if you ever one of the partitions needs extra space?
(Is this an "if" or a "when"?).

With LVM adding space is a simple matter. Does not require any planning.
With the sub-partitions, you have to hope you'll have a partition with
enough free disk space. Remembe that you'll do this moving when a
certain partition will be almost full (and maybe some others), so some
extra disk space will be needed for the transfer alone.

> Option 2 (/usr subdirectories on different volumes) is
> operationally probably the best.  You're not bound by
> a particular physical DASD subsystem and you have
> direct access to the volume for fsck and other repair
> actions.

You are limited by the arbitrary size of large subdirs on your system.

On my system:

/usr: 3.4G
  X11R6: 132M
  bin:   187M
  lib:   789M
  local: 846M
  share: 1.1G
     man     28M
     gnome   52M
     apps    52M
     emacs   67M
     locale  101M
     texmf   154M
     doc     313M
  src:      303M

Furthermore: when you partition, you have to leave extra room in both
partittions (both in /usr and in /usr/share), because most packages will
install files in both.

> But, unfortunately, it seems you have to use RAID or
> LVM during your initial install to find out how big
> the subdirectories really are.

And what about later? You have to assume you estimated right on all

Tzafrir Cohen                       +---------------------------+
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